Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Well... i hav brushed off almost all of my work... only leaving aquino's (this name is on the number hate list of everyone right?) oral presentation and portfolio... the past few days i was doing thai essays and most of them were corrected by air (i think i owe her lunch but hope she forgets)... and i thank her for that... so now is finally some time for me to get some fresh air... i spent like 6 hrs each day at the computer typing thai... so now aquino... at the beginning of the week she told us to write essays on a book analysis... now she figured out shes wrecking herself giving us too much work... so she changed it to oral presentations... and made kids sign up for the time appointment... i finished HALF the essay and she told me i hav to the an oral now... the heck... so i am preparing for my oral now... but i decided that leaving this blog too lonely would be a pity because i noe u are so eager to read my new entry (esp jason)... u should read the comments he gave me... some were longer than my whole entries... (j/k jase)... so i guess i better tend to my work rather than bullshitting to u about my hectic life...
Friday, May 19, 2006
Hate It...
This weekend i dun think i will be free... theres so much work coming from thai and ethics class... its so stupid... minor subjects with low credit are bombarding students with overwhelming work whereas core subjects are giving almost NO homework at all because they want us to study for the exams... but how do they expect me to study with so much for so little product... such a stressful week for me... i am not getting enough sleep and i math class is so rushed cuz its a week till the end of the semester (before exams)... and the teacher still has to cram in 4 units... logarithms... logic... sets... and probability... page is preparing an in class essay sometime nex week... so now i think i hate almost every teacher i hav... oh... i changed the song to "ขอบคุณที่รักกัน (Acoustic Version)" by Potato cuz i am getting bored of Calories Blah Blah... hear it all over the place...
Monday, May 15, 2006
Work, Work and Work
I didnt update this new blog for about 9 days (nothing compared to jason's)... and it seems not right for u ppl to check for updates and i didnt update it yet... i am sorry... anyways... so my previous week was onli work and work and work... i just finished aquino's flash today... took hell lot of time from my holidays... i had to relearn how to use the program.. and actually studied some programming for it... and tony page's making me load ancient mp3 files for him for his new ipod... the songs are by artists like "the beatles" or "jefferson starship"... so now i hate them both... i think i caught a cold from either tanya or pat... or maybe its just too much mucus in my throat... today i went for the ROTC application and i forgot to bring the money so i had to use the schools atm machine (so high-so man)... and paid for it... tmr i hav a poetry common assessment and i dunno how well i'll do... cuz tony page himself is a poet... so he will be expecting a LOT from us... wish me luck...
Saturday, May 06, 2006
So... as the title said... i got a haircut today... so the reason i got it is because thailand is f-ing hot so i hav to get some of my hair off... so i ate lunch after i went to chinese school... then i went to this new barber at carrefour near my house... so i went in and they told me to go get my hair washed (as they always do)... so a gay dude washed my hair and he kept on saying that i dun put conditioner and my hair is hard and rough (its still hard and rough WITH conditioner)... so after that a female hairdresser tended to me (she looks as if shes older than my mom)... so i told her to get it a bit shorter and a lot thinner... so she did and she used every tool available from scissors to the battalion (thats actually how to spell it... read it with a thai accent)... so i got my hair cut... it is short... and my head felt light... the barber floor was clean before i went and after i left... there was a huge circle of dark hair laying there... so that must have been a lot taken off my head... so the hairdresser finished me off with hair wax... down theres a pic of me and my guitar after the haircut...

Friday, May 05, 2006
Background Audio Established
Yes... in case u didnt know my blog now has an embedded background audio... which i posted via html programming...( i just copied paste from the net)... so its the song by Calories blah blah that u here everyday... since its posted EVERYWHERE on the internet... i decided to loot the url and then post it on this blogsite... so u should be able to hear the sounds here... windows media should be able to play right away while quicktime/itunes may need to fully load the song first... which is 4mb (HUGE)... so enjoy... if u r want to hear the music using itunes... go to the bottom of the page and hit play...
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Blogging Spree
Blogging Spree... this usually happens within the first week of a new blog where the blogger gets hyper and publishes an entry every day or every few hours... and thats exactly what i am doing now... so i am here to say that my life hasnt changed and it is exactly as boring as it was yesterday... i am still running experiments on this blog and i hope it will look good or become unique somehow... so now its still a template... i dun wanna risk playing around with the code...
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
So Bored
My life is so boring... everything is so dull... life... love... school... everything is just so tidious... all my days in the past weeks were just hw projects then games... i didnt do anything interesting at all... the only fun i had was the phone calls... and that was it... so now my second post... i believe i hav learnt a lot about blogging on this site... too bad i dunno the HTML programming language so i dunno how to make this anymore interesting... but i tried a new template... if it doesnt work or it sucks then tell me via the comments (i opened the anonymous section already)... and if anybody knows how to post music plz tell me... cuz this site doesnt allow me to upload it... thx...